optional, choose Profile1 if you have supported RAM. It's OK with default value "Windows 8/10" it doesn't matter what the values of those options are: Load Optimized Defaults then Save and Exit.The installation base on hackintosh-vanilla-desktop-guide (with excellent explanation). So I want to build a hackintosh with minimal config and kexts, maybe I don't know how they works in detail, but I know what they use for at least. Sometimes an EFI.zip is shortcut to success maybe, but the "blackbox" do not offer any knowledge to solve problems. When someone ask questions in tonymacx or other hackintosh forums, most of time what they get is not an answers, but an EFI.zip.

I tried to search the meaning of the clover config item, but neither clover wiki nor forum (even golden builds) offer an answers. There are many tutorial and builds around the hackintosh community, but most of them use a lot of clover config and kexts, and those value/kexts lacks of explanation.

“Don't multiply entities beyond necessity.” -William of Ockham Minimal Clover Config and Drivers for Gigabyte Z390 I WIFI