Add external *.cxi non-KIP sysmodule loading (from /luma/sysmodules), when the "Enable loading external FIRMs and modules" option is enabled.Might break some games and homebrew applications.Only useful in very demanding games like Pokémon (Ultra) Sun/Moon where it nets approx.Add ability to redirect application core1 threads to core2, on N3DS:.

It allows setting different filters for top and bottom screen separately, and all settings can be saved to the ini configuration file Add a new "advanced configuration" submenu for screen filters, allowing for far more customization (notably, increasing gamma).Fixed a rare bug where the console would boot into 2 white screens.This was a leftover of the Gateway era that has no place in 2023 Remove the "Use EmuNAND FIRM if booting with R" option and all related logic.The path for IPS/BPS patches for sysmodules, and sysmodules only, has been moved to /luma/sysmodules/.ips (resp.bps). Simplify sysmodule CXI loading and IPS/BPS patching: N3DS bit is now cleared when considering which CXI file to load from /luma/sysmodules.Added support for arbitrarily-sized and uncompressed TWL_FIRM and AGB_FIRM, when externally loaded from the /luma folder.Added support to allow Left+Right and Up+Down key combos in TWL_FIRM, although commercial DS(i) games usually prevent these combos on their own too.You can find matrix examples here and Python code to convert them to the expected format there.DS(i) software) convolution-based upscaling filter by the contents of /luma/twl_upscaling_filter.bin Added support to replace the default TWL_FIRM (i.e.We advise to use open source and/or actively maintained plugins from trusted sources instead